Our house is for sale

Block 5 / Lot 7 and 8 Great Willow St., Primavera Hills, Yati Lilo-an Cebu, Philippines, 6002
PRIMAVERA HILLS, a middle class subdivision located about 1 km. from Cebu’s north highway at Yati Lilo-an. It was developed
by Legacy Homes and San Miguel Corporation with the following amenities:
• Guard House /Grand Entrance with 24-hour Security Personnel
• Fully fenced Perimeter
• Underground Drainage System
• Adult and Children’s Swimming Pools
For interested parties please leave your email address on the comments so I can forward you the brochure.
Pressure of getting back to the gym
Beginning of the end of Texting
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Just celebrated my birthday and i was kinda surprised why my phone was not ringing or not much messages was pouring in from friends and family for birthday greetings. Only to find out that people have moved to greeting and spreading love on twitter and facebook. Its really amazing how society is directed with technology. I had the time of my life replying to all of the messages of love. But it kept we anticipating how will people greet in the next years to come?
the call boy in me

It has been over a month since i waited for the loyalty phone rewards i availed from Globe. With this in mind I was so ecstatic to hear that the phone was ready to be shipped out to me last May 3 and promised that the phone would arrive on my door steps last May 6. For the people that are close to me knows how I hate waiting (spoiled brat), but the thought of getting my hands on my toy kept me fueled and helped me forget that I was in the status of "waiting". May 6 passed and still no package. The day after I called Globe's customer service and asked for the status of the delivery and only to find out that it was still in process and the package was still not passed on to their courier. Upon hearing this my vision went blank and I couldn't hear the empathy statements that the call center agent was pouring over the phone. The only words that came out of my mouth were can I speak to your Supervisor... But the agent equipped with push back skills kept on reassuring and apologizing then again I couldn't and I wouldn't listen to her... I only replied with: "Can I speak with your Supervisor". Finally I was placed on hold for 5 min and was transferred to the SUP. At that hold time I was particularly amused with myself because I could relate to the agent that I was speaking earlier because I was acting not as irate customer and was cursing left and right, I was calm and direct to the point which I consider as a more difficult customer to handle. I said to myself well it was her fault all along she did not understand the extent of my frustration, everything was notated on my account she should have done more research and basically placed herself in my situation so that she could have given me a more sincere and much needed empathy (COACHING POINT FOR THE TEAM LEAD of that agent). When the hold music was cut the escalation officer came on to the phone to take over the call. He did the usual closing spiel and I just answered: "Did the agent explain to you my situation?". It caught him off guard and then proceeded with his explanation of the detailed knowledge he had with regard to my issue. I then just replied I am disappointed because promises were made and it was not realized his reply was a credit on my account for the number of days I started with my plan without the toy and added he will closely monitor the progress of the request and call me if it is ready and the date of delivery. In the end I have to wait (again the word wait) from May 11 - 14. Which resentfully agreed just to finally close this case and move on. How did I react on how the sup handled the call, you may ask. Well it was quite different I expected firm and straight forward approach just like the escalation team we had before in Sprint. He was mellowed full of empathy and too "wordy" (filipinoism = trait that we Filipino's have that the more we talk or the more wards we can use to explain is better that being straightforward).
I think this would be the last time I would avail of any promo from Globe because I dont think I could handle the wait time and other drama that would come with it. And finally Ill stop my banter becasue i need to attend a wedding... Spoiled Brat JR signing out...