Twitter account disabled

Unfortunately my twitter has been disabled without any notice at all so I decided to create a new account... You can follow me on Twitter with my new username john_rey84! hahahahaha

Fruits Battle

Apple iPhone or Black Berry
I love the apps but i also want the BB messenger
I love touch screen but I need the full qwerty
right now still undecided but the deal breaker would be the generosity of Globe!
i hope they recognize how loyal I am or else ill be forced to rethink and be smarter!

I want my PS3

I cant sleep eat or go to the gym without thinking of buying myself a PS3! For the sole reason to play Final Fantasy XIII! I don't care about the mediocre reviews they gave for the game, it has become my life long mission to play all of the games from this franchise.

I want one and I want it now... Too bad I still need the money for the fees and the furniture i need for my small cage (hahaha) but there are times I convince myself that its OK to sleep on banig and just deal with electric fan for now.

I know what people would say its not worth it so fine i think i can still hold off the urge but still crossing my fingers that dad would come to my rescue and buy me an aircon and a HD LCD TV so I can use my saved up petty cash for a PS3 instead!