Flash Backs
Posted by
on Friday, August 14, 2009

My current project as what I posted last week is ripping all of my cd's to my ipod. I found the process quite therapeutic. I was ravaging through my cluttered stuff in my room collecting all of the cd's i collected so far. It was surprising how wide range my collection is, I got rock, alternative to plain old pop. While browsing through them I got flash backs to the time i played these songs 24X7 to the then so popular sony discman. It was like I was time traveling back in time to my elementary, high school and college years where each song was a soundtrack of me growing up.
Well it was not all that perfect process because they were moments of "what the hell i was thinking" or "I wasted lunch money for this sh*t?". Again there were those surprises but there were also treasures that are lost. I could not find some cd's only cases which made me realize some things can never be relived, which leaves us to pick up whats left and move on. But all those bumps I think are necessary because without them I wouldn't be me right now.
After visiting memory and I'm currently halfway of ripping all of them, I feel secure now because all of the salvaged pieces will now be saved and stored away for easy access in a small black device.
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