the call boy in me
It has been over a month since i waited for the loyalty phone rewards i availed from Globe. With this in mind I was so ecstatic to hear that the phone was ready to be shipped out to me last May 3 and promised that the phone would arrive on my door steps last May 6. For the people that are close to me knows how I hate waiting (spoiled brat), but the thought of getting my hands on my toy kept me fueled and helped me forget that I was in the status of "waiting". May 6 passed and still no package. The day after I called Globe's customer service and asked for the status of the delivery and only to find out that it was still in process and the package was still not passed on to their courier. Upon hearing this my vision went blank and I couldn't hear the empathy statements that the call center agent was pouring over the phone. The only words that came out of my mouth were can I speak to your Supervisor... But the agent equipped with push back skills kept on reassuring and apologizing then again I couldn't and I wouldn't listen to her... I only replied with: "Can I speak with your Supervisor". Finally I was placed on hold for 5 min and was transferred to the SUP. At that hold time I was particularly amused with myself because I could relate to the agent that I was speaking earlier because I was acting not as irate customer and was cursing left and right, I was calm and direct to the point which I consider as a more difficult customer to handle. I said to myself well it was her fault all along she did not understand the extent of my frustration, everything was notated on my account she should have done more research and basically placed herself in my situation so that she could have given me a more sincere and much needed empathy (COACHING POINT FOR THE TEAM LEAD of that agent). When the hold music was cut the escalation officer came on to the phone to take over the call. He did the usual closing spiel and I just answered: "Did the agent explain to you my situation?". It caught him off guard and then proceeded with his explanation of the detailed knowledge he had with regard to my issue. I then just replied I am disappointed because promises were made and it was not realized his reply was a credit on my account for the number of days I started with my plan without the toy and added he will closely monitor the progress of the request and call me if it is ready and the date of delivery. In the end I have to wait (again the word wait) from May 11 - 14. Which resentfully agreed just to finally close this case and move on. How did I react on how the sup handled the call, you may ask. Well it was quite different I expected firm and straight forward approach just like the escalation team we had before in Sprint. He was mellowed full of empathy and too "wordy" (filipinoism = trait that we Filipino's have that the more we talk or the more wards we can use to explain is better that being straightforward).
I think this would be the last time I would avail of any promo from Globe because I dont think I could handle the wait time and other drama that would come with it. And finally Ill stop my banter becasue i need to attend a wedding... Spoiled Brat JR signing out...
Twitter account disabled
Unfortunately my twitter has been disabled without any notice at all so I decided to create a new account... You can follow me on Twitter with my new username john_rey84! hahahahaha
I want my PS3

I cant sleep eat or go to the gym without thinking of buying myself a PS3! For the sole reason to play Final Fantasy XIII! I don't care about the mediocre reviews they gave for the game, it has become my life long mission to play all of the games from this franchise.

I want one and I want it now... Too bad I still need the money for the fees and the furniture i need for my small cage (hahaha) but there are times I convince myself that its OK to sleep on banig and just deal with electric fan for now.
I know what people would say its not worth it so fine i think i can still hold off the urge but still crossing my fingers that dad would come to my rescue and buy me an aircon and a HD LCD TV so I can use my saved up petty cash for a PS3 instead!
JR + 1

I was surprised by my iMODs for giving a wonderful banana chocolate cake from Leona's. They even a certain drama going on wherein they asked if they can talk to me personally because of some issues, but unfortunately i was too engrossed with what I was doing that I didn't care so they changed strategies and brought the whole cake inside the production floor. Which is a big NO NO for workplace preservation policy which warrants a memo! I hop no guards caught this!
Again Thank you guys I know I sometimes leave you to fend for yourselves but even though you never let me down, you always go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure the MOD team is covered!

But before that we had a pre-birthday party at Ocean pearl where all managers were part of the celebration last February 13. We had fun games and the new favorite The Bar Apple.. As expected we had people who were drunk and doing drama, I guess it comes with the package.
It was part of the year again that i just had to turn year older. I guess I am wiser now compared to last year because 2009 was a kind of turning point were my adaptive skills were put to the test. I just wonder what 2010 would offer me. After 2 vodka tonic shots I can say I'm ready for anything and go bring it!
Thank you for everybody who greeted and I am hoping to have a bigger party next if everybody is here in cebu... the 27 will be disco theme... cant wait!
The Year 2009
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facing a new year of the tiger but before I look forward on the new challenges and exciting adventures that will come let me take a minute to look back and discuss what 2009 was like
im too tired to narrate all of them now so it will be added one at a time:
1. bora-- need i say more?
2. 42 direct reports
3. #1 team
4. after several years of convincing myself na bati ang ipod, i bought one.
5. first sinulog na nag binuntagay ug tagay (pero murag di na mahimo ang repeat performance)
6. napuno sa utang tungod sa ka adik sa shopping
7. sa ka million times ga balik balik sa bohol naka avail na gyud intawn sa day tour nila
8. my third starbucks diary
9. naka discover sa new craze na "always open the bar"
10. walay black out (improvement)
11. nag pa color ug buhok
12. ni balik ug gym
13. more to come,,,
im too tired to narrate all of them now so it will be added one at a time:
1. bora-- need i say more?
2. 42 direct reports
3. #1 team
4. after several years of convincing myself na bati ang ipod, i bought one.
5. first sinulog na nag binuntagay ug tagay (pero murag di na mahimo ang repeat performance)
6. napuno sa utang tungod sa ka adik sa shopping
7. sa ka million times ga balik balik sa bohol naka avail na gyud intawn sa day tour nila
8. my third starbucks diary
9. naka discover sa new craze na "always open the bar"
10. walay black out (improvement)
11. nag pa color ug buhok
12. ni balik ug gym
13. more to come,,,