JR + 1
Posted by
on Thursday, February 18, 2010

I was surprised by my iMODs for giving a wonderful banana chocolate cake from Leona's. They even a certain drama going on wherein they asked if they can talk to me personally because of some issues, but unfortunately i was too engrossed with what I was doing that I didn't care so they changed strategies and brought the whole cake inside the production floor. Which is a big NO NO for workplace preservation policy which warrants a memo! I hop no guards caught this!
Again Thank you guys I know I sometimes leave you to fend for yourselves but even though you never let me down, you always go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure the MOD team is covered!

But before that we had a pre-birthday party at Ocean pearl where all managers were part of the celebration last February 13. We had fun games and the new favorite The Bar Apple.. As expected we had people who were drunk and doing drama, I guess it comes with the package.
It was part of the year again that i just had to turn year older. I guess I am wiser now compared to last year because 2009 was a kind of turning point were my adaptive skills were put to the test. I just wonder what 2010 would offer me. After 2 vodka tonic shots I can say I'm ready for anything and go bring it!
Thank you for everybody who greeted and I am hoping to have a bigger party next if everybody is here in cebu... the 27 will be disco theme... cant wait!
hi R!
belated happy birthday! :D
♥ vanilla ice cream ♥
thanks pay
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